
Give colour to a girl's dream by sending her to school!

It has been a while since I last posted, and it is all for good reasons! I have been very busy with school and various volunteering programs in the last few months. I think it's safe to say I've finally found my place and am loving life.

Since February, I joined a wonderful marketing and leadership program with a charity called Create Change. I've learned so much about fundraising, planning initiatives, and most of all confidence in myself as a leader through raising money for girls to go to high school in Northern Ghana. The people in this program are extremely supportive and I've truly met some amazing people through this program! Recently, I sold hand made bracelets from Ghana to raise money for a girl's school fees.

Our most recent initiative is an online campaign that I designed from scratch with a couple of my peers. Everything from the image to the slogan were all created by myself and of course my lovely team of dedicated members!

What I'm asking for today is if you amazing people of the internet can help Vancouver youth and girls in Ghana by sharing or making a small donation to our campaign?

Let me know what you think!!